First Time Home Buyer Class! Thursday 2/11 @ 6:30 PM

It's a new year and we're heading into a wonderfully hot buying season with record low interest rates!  Deciding to buy your first home may seem like a daunting and frightening endeavor but, with the right team to guide you, it can be an exciting adventure with much to gain when you reach the finish line. 

Please join your trusted Nurture Realty agents and a panel of other experts in financing and home inspections for an informative evening aimed at starting your training as an informed and savvy home buyer. The class will be held via Zoom (link below) on Thursday 2/11 @ 6:30 PM.

Please forward this email to anyone you know that may be thinking about buying a home, this year or in the future.  Buying a home is not a sprint, it is a marathon and it's never too early to start laying the groundwork for a great run!

Also, did you know we are part of a national network of real estate professionals that also work by referral and value the same level of service we provide?  If you have any friends or family members who live out of state or in another part of Oregon we would be happy to meet them and introduce them to an agent in their area that they can trust as you trust us. Please invite them to our virtual class! 

Prizes, did I mention prizes?!  We will have several drawings during the course of the class!  Prizes may include a home warranty (Don't know what that is?  We'll cover it in the class!) and many other great surprises!  Some prizes will be awarded to participants who can answer trivia questions from this podcast.  Be sure to listen! Episode #226 The Magic of Owning a Home

Anyone who is attending this class for the second time will have a special drawing!  Anyone who brings a friend, family member, or colleague that is new to the Nurture Realty community will also have a special drawing!  

We are honored to be your trusted advisors in Real Estate and excited to serve you and your referrals as you fulfill your home ownership goals. 

Your Nurture Realty Team! 

Nurture Realty is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Virtual First Time Buyer Class!

Time: Feb 11, 2021 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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