Updated! - Virtual Vision Board Creation with Sarah Love!

Thursday January 21st @ 6 PM

As the strangest year in recent history has come to an end, we are excited to look ahead at new opportunities, experiences, and goals for 2021.  It's the mission of Nurture Realty to help you realize your goals even those beyond real estate.  It's the vision of Nurture Realty to support our advocates to create a strong and thriving community.  

We are excited to bring you an inspiring evening of creativity and inspiration with our dear friend, Sarah Love of I Stand for Love!  

Sarah Love will be guiding us in creating a vision board for the new year! 

What new dream can we bring forward when we invoke our individual creativity TOGETHER? 

We're going to circle up (virtually) and find out!

Bring collage materials (paper or poster board, old magazines, calendars, greeting cards, scissors, glue, etc) 

~ All levels of art making welcome 

Join us for an evening of community art making. 

Lets' release the past and make room for new dreams to come forward.

We're excited for the year to come and to reconnect with our clients and community members.  

This is a free event and we welcome your friends, family, and colleagues.  It is because of your referrals that we can support you and local entrepreneurs, like Sarah.  Together we are stronger, together we will succeed!

Your Nurture Realty Team, 

Eric, Diane, and Shanan

Zoom Link

Nurture Realty is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Zoom Collage Night with Nurture Realty & Sarah Love

Time: Jan 21, 2021 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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