/Her Rhythm
Nurture Realty is very excited to highlight Stephanie Swanson, DAOM, LAc as she prepares to launch hernew website,
From Stephanie’s website (soon to beHerRhythmWellness):
Stephanie is a Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Oregon and is nationally certified (NCCAOM) as a Diplomate in Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture, and Chinese Herbology. She received a Bachelor of Science in Biology with an emphasis in Ecology and minors in Environmental Studies and Spanish from Viterbo University in 2004 and a Master ofAcupuncture degree from National University of Natural Medicine in 2011. She completedher Doctorate of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine with specialties in women’s health and aging adults from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in 2020. For the past nine years, she has been helping women conceive, progress through pregnancy, prepare for child birth, greatly improve PCOS and endometriosis, resolve menstrual issues and ease menopause, both in the Portland area and long-distance.
Stephanie’s comments on why she chose this speciality:
For years one of my great passions has been to help couples conceive and progress through the childbearing process, and through this I have come to understand and love treating gynecological issues of all sorts, and especially enjoy helping women with debilitating gynecological conditions. However, I also love treating and supporting a widevariety of other conditions, from injuries to supportive cancer care, Lyme disease, autoimmune conditions, skin, digestive, hepatic, pulmonary, urogenital, mental, emotional and more.
In addition to Stephanie’s private practice setting she has also worked in clinics for lowincome and uninsured such as Outside In and Mercy and Wisdom, group acupuncturesettings, and in hospital settings for IVF, IUI and labor support.
To make an appointment or learn more about Stephanie’s practice visit:
or contact these clinics
Reconstructed Wellness, 936 SE Ankeny, Portland, 503-232-3215
Epidavros Yoga Center and Day Spa, 223 E Powell Blvd, Gresham, 503-667-1500