June Community Highlight
/Simple Sundries
Mandy Hurley, owner and founder is one of our most passionate community members and is on a mission to promote environmentally conscious living and equity in Portland. Mandy and her husband, Jay, are longtime clients and friends of Nurture Realty and we are proud to support her business and mission.
Simple Sundries is a “home delivery mason jar refill service” and much more! You can also visit Mandy at the “Refill Window” to refill your jars, including any containers you bring from home! In addition, the company will accept plastic bottles where they will get cleaned, refilled with household products, and donated to school food pantries in East County.
From the website:
Our company is guided by the following quote from Michael Wilson Becceril, board of directors at Our Climate……
“Only when society values black lives can we truly confront the current system of economic and environmental exploitation that is deeply rooted in racism, sexism and colonialism. Only when society values characteristics gendered as feminine such as nurturing, sharing and caring for each other- instead of traits viewed as masculine such as aggression, accumulation and competition can we finally develop the social structures needed to preserve life on Earth, including an economy based on social needs and not individual greed”
About Mandy: Before the opening of Simple Sundries, Mandy worked for 12 years at IRCO (Immigrant & Refugee Community Organization) as the SUN Community School Site Manager at Gilbert Park Elementary in the David Douglas School District. For five of those years she also managed the IRCO Hunger Relief Program which operates school and community food pantries in East Portland.
Discouraged by the limitations that come with non-profit funding, Mandy felt she could better serve the community as a small business owner who is dedicated to the revitalization of our neighborhood and community.
Visit www.simplesundries.life to order your home and bath products or learn more about the work Mandy is doing!